Saturday, February 8, 2014

Good morning everybody and happy February. It's been quite wet here in Florida and it's very depressing. Kind of makes it hard to want to focus on doing anything. Things here are doing very well. My daughters students at school, she's the choral director there. Breaking all kinds of records doing all kinds of great things. Work is just that work. George is one day closer to retiring and can't wait.  It has been one month since I got back on my diet really good and started taking the skinny fiber again after my little break over the holidays.  Proud to say that I've already lost four more pounds so I'm back on track and very excited.
As you may or may not be aware skinny fiber made it's television debut on the lifetime channels TV show "the balancing act".  It absolutely amazes me that a 10 minute debut on a television show that I personally never watched prior to this, had such a profound effect on sales.  So I am living testament along with tens of thousands of people at this point showing that skinny fiber does work, does help people lose weight. I encourage everybody to try this if they think they have to lose any amount of weight whatsoever. And of course with sales Growing more and more each spot on the balancing act. We certainly can use some help in the sales department. So please visit my website     Watch the short movie that tells everything you would need to know about the product. And as always please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My email address is skinnyshemi@gmail.
Truly hope everybody has a wonderful day today. See you all soon on the skinny side!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Hello and Merry Christmas. I am so sorry that inhave not added any posts well. You cannot imagine how busy I have been. Now that my daughter is home and got that really great job as the "correct one of our local middle schools. I've been reinstated as classroom mom. Aka Grandma!
I am glad that my Facebook group "getting skinny with shemi" is doing well.
Lots and lots of recipes helpful hints etc. I have posted through the past few months.
So I know with the holidays and I'm back up north to visit my family for Christmas, and the one thing we do not do is watch our diets. But I will again this coming year make a New Year's resolution to be very good on my time. So I hope everybody Will join me and trying to be healthy for 2014.
And I also make a promise to everybody who reads my blog that I will try to be more conscientious in posting. We want to stay healthy and lose weight for this year. So as I come across any great tips and recipes you will find them either here or on my Facebook group page. Please feel free to
Look me up and join my group so you don't miss anything.
I wish every body a happy holiday season Merry Christmas happy new year.
And here is to a magnificent  2014!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Hi all,
So glad July is here. I have all kinds of news to share today.
First I am sooooo happy that my daughter will be moving back home to Florida. Done with Connecticut, and hoping to get a job very quickly as a teacher. Or there is the possibility she will be going back to her old boss in Tallahassee. Time will tell.
My George had a bit of a car issues today. He works construction. He always parks as far away as you can from the dumpster. Yet some dumb kid threw something off the roof and managed to get the hood of his car.
          And for me…SKINNY FIBER helped me lose another pound this week. I know to some of you this seems trivial. But for me this is HUGE. I have many different medical issues and take lots of medication. Plus for my entire life I have had the metabolism of a snail in reverse. My most common joke was that I could look at a picture of a brownie and gain 5 lbs. ReallyJ   So compound all this with a hysterectomy some years back and my body has set me up for failure. Yet I am losing weight and I total thank Skinny Fiber. I love my Skinny Fiber Family and all the support they give me. Both in my personal weight challenge, but with helping me become a better distributor.

          I would love to share my knowledge about this great product. You do not have to be a distributer like me to purchase the product. But you will save $20 per bottle if you become one and accept auto ship. Email me if you have any questions at  Wishing you all luck on your weight loss mission. Till we chat again, Mary

Monday, June 24, 2013

First things first. Got on the scale, down a total of 14 lbs, 4 with help of Skinny Fiber. You can not imagine how this feels.
Today is a big day for my daughter. She learns if she will be spending the next year in Connecticut or moving back to Florida. (ugh the stress)
Spent the weekend working on my tan so my new skinny body will not look sickly lol.
Took marketing Skinny Fiber to the next level and did a couple of Craig’s list ads. One was in the United Kingdom. Until I master Google translate, I will have to stick with the English speaking countries.
George is out of work AGAIN. Hate construction jobs. We went out to lunch Saturday with a friend from work. Really had a great time and enjoyed good Chinese Buffet.  Other than that nothing too exciting except I LOST 4 LBS!!

Thanks for stopping by, ttys

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just have to say that I lost 3 lbs. So in case you did not get this memo.....
I lost 3 lbs!
I have been shaking, watching, exercising since, aka dieting, since January (remember the new year’s resolution) and 10 lbs later. I am not giving up, don’t get me wrong. I still Lost and I did not Gain.
          So I started this Skinny Fiber last Thursday. Took one pill 30min before  I ate dinner. I know your saying big whoop. I just wanted to see if I would experience any kind of adverse reaction. Still alive, took another 1 pill Friday. Still fine so come Saturday I too the 2 pills before my meal. Yeah for me, no reaction. Like a good girl I took 2 pills again on Sunday, only for both big meals. And let me just share this. Sunday was father’s day and we went out! I had some awesome ribs with 2 sides. I did not hold back. Defiantly not diet eating lol. Monday I did my normal routine. Today go up with a feeling like I needed to get on the scale. I must be having some kind of nervous breakdown because who really WANTS to get on a scale. So imagine my surprise when the scale lied to me and said I was 3 lbs lighter. Imagine, me being able to lose any weight let alone 3 lbs in 4 days.
Please come see what this product is all about.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day J

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hi   and welcome to my first blog.  I hope this will help not only myself, but some friends as well.

First a little about me: I am in my 50’s, and have been “fluffy” ALL MY LIFE. I was adopted at 7 months. There are pictures of me even then with rolls on my rolls. Never been much to do yo-yo diets. Tried Weight Watchers my senior year in High School. Lost 40 lbs. Still above what they considered my goal weight and looked like I came straight out of a 3rd world country. Bones protruding all over from toes to scalp. Valleys where there should be skin. To me I looked great in cloths, but sickly in a bathing suit. I graduated, went away to college which had a meal plan, and what took 1.5 years to loose, promptly all came back in 3 months. I did not seriously try to lose weight again for years.

            So here I am a fluffy 50 something person with my health degrading at an alarming rate. And I am not planning on letting it get the best of me. Every doctor I have gone to over the last 5 years suggest gastric bi-pass. But I am not willing to go that route just yet.

            I had one of my current doctors suggest tricks to not only help my sugar levels, but to help me lose weight. Admittedly, I am a bad person. I have always skipped breakfast. He suggested to not eat breakfast, but to drink it. Protein Shakes… Thought this was a great way to get me going in the morning, I used a high protein shake, added fruit (and sometimes a little peanut butter). Went back a month later, everything was a fraction better blood test wise. Now he says, do this 2 meals a day and not bad for you foods. Nothing that is white (rice, bread, pasta) and no sweets, come back in a month. I want you to lose at least 4 lbs. Returned one month later and I did, in fact lose 4 lbs. I was a happy camper.

            This year I made a resolution – to feel better. So I joined my local gym. Really to help my aches, pains and regain the loss of muscle mass as well as maybe maybe a little weight loss. Doing ok, and still going. (a miracle unto itself) Aches and pains are better. A little more tone and a little higher endurance for that shop till you drop Saturdays. lol 

Multiple reasons why I am starting this blog.

1.     I am sure you all realize that if you have to “report” to anyone how you are doing on your diet, you stay on track better to achieve your goals. We all need “Diet Police”

2.    With the permission of friends, co-workers and Facebook friends I will also report their progress on this blog. I think we can all use some recognition J

3.    I have started a community page on Facebook to work hand in hand with this blog and other things.  Postings will be of beautiful photos, diet recipes, tricks on staying on track, links to cool stuff, and information on a diet products that should help you.

4.    I have started taking an all natural supplement called Skinny Fiber. I just started taking Skinny Fiber this weekend myself after doing lots of research. I am also a distributer. Hoping you will look at the links that I will be posting, and maybe try this product to help the weight come off. We can all do this together and succeed.
Please join me on a journey to feel (and l@@k) better.